Diabolical Acrostic Word Puzzles For Your Abusement And Annoyment
by Arthur Bloch (author of Murphy's Law, and Other Reasons Why Things Go Wrong)
INSTRUCTIONS: How to Solve a Metacrostic
Each acrostic word puzzle is composed of several parts:
1) The Quote, which you are trying to complete.
2) The Answers, which are solved by deciphering the Clues.
3) The Clues, four-line rhymes defining the Answers.
4) The Backup Clues, to be consulted only in case of emergency.
When completed, the first letters of all the Answers, read from top to bottom, will spell out the name of the author and source of the Quote.
Before beginning a puzzle, we suggest you print out the Quote. (See printing hints below.) You might also wish to print out the Clues. Printing out the Backup Clues is discouraged.
To solve the puzzles, begin by deciphering the double-couplet Clues.
| O ---- 163 | V ---- 60 | O ---- 144 | I ---- 109 | D ---- 19 |
Excuse me, dear sir,
Your pardon I beg.
But your head, as it were,
Is shaped like an egg.
When you think you have a right Answer, transfer the letters to the Quote in accordance with the number beneath each letter.
As you begin to complete the Quote, certain words and phrases will become evident. This will allow you to work backwards, transferring letters from the Quote back to the Answers.
PRINTING HINTS: The Quotes and Clues pages contain preformatted text. To make sure the Quote fits on the page, please set your printer to "landscape" mode. For printing out the Clues you should be able to use the regular "portrait" mode.
I would like to hear from those of you who are working on these puzzles, if only to know that these internet efforts are not wasted. For solutions to these puzzles, send $100/each to . . . just kidding. If you want a solution in the form of a completed Quote, put "Solution #X" in the subject line (where "X"=puzzle number) and send Email to:
METACROSTIC #1: Clues  Quote
METACROSTIC #2: Clues  Quote